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Children and Young People


Children are welcome at all of our services and events. 


Junior Church group meets every Sunday during the 10.30 am service in St Mary's, Kingsclere.  The children start in the main body of the church with their families and then go out to their groups during the first hymn.  If you are visiting or have not registered your child in the past please come with them so the leaders can take your details before dropping your child off.  If you have younger children you are welcome to bring them out to Junior Church, but we ask that you stay with your child if they are under 3 years old.    

Young People aged 12+ - our youngsters prefer to stay in the service and tend to sit together and sometimes help with the sound equipment.  If you'd prefer to stay in the pews and join in with the worship that's fine too - whatever you feel is right for you.  


If you have very young children with you who don't want to go out to Junior Church that's absolutely fine.  If you want to take them out of the pews there is an area at the back of the church with toys and activities to keep them busy!



The Lighthouse 

Wednesdays in term time

from 10-12 noon in the Kingsmill Room. This is for Mums and toddlers, bumps and babies. Carers and dads are very welcome. The age range is from 0-4.

We have lots of fun with sensory toys, singing, games, bible stories and of course refreshments!





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